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  • Date:2020-02-26


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Red Clay Trench - Fort L36
Located by the bicycle path between Hujingtou Battle Museum and Maogong Rock Seashore Recreation Area in Lieyu

Built in 2010
  • Fort L36 is located in the depression of the red clay coast.
  • The "Red Clay Trench" is a row of strongholds. It is the best place to overlook the Lion Islet where you can see the beautiful Maogong Rock beach covering with anti-landing spikes.
  • The fort contains facilities including bedrooms, ammunition depots, light weapons and machine guns. A lookout and several firing ports were set up on the top of the fort.
  • There are several statues of soldiers in the camp. Some are lining up for training, some are doing chin-ups and some are practicing the shooting in prone position. There is also a cute army dog doing its best to guard the stronghold on the top of the fort.
  • With military rules and information exhibited in the fort, recalling your days in soldiering.
  • Fort L36 is a coast defence stronghold. In a sunny day, visitors can overlook Xiamen city and other sea ports of Mainland China, all at one glance.