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  • Date:2020-01-15


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Victory Gate & Victory Memorial of August 23rd Artillery Battle
Sitting at the intersection of Huxia and Luocuo, Lieyu

Built in 1986
  • The monuments were established to commemorate the victory of August 23rd Artillery Battle.
  • Both Victory Gate and Victory Memorial of August 23rd Artillery Battle were built in the same period.
  • Victory Memorial of August 23rd Artillery Battle was built in shape of
    8" explosive shell, the winning key of the artillery battle. The design of the round pedestal was based on "The Blue Sky with a White Sun", the national emblem of ROC. The Victory Gate is a 10 meters high arch. Both of them are the most representative spiritual symbols in Lieyu.
  • During August 23rd Artillery Battle in 1958, Lieyu was suffered from more than 227,000 ruthless artillery shells from the PRC army. These memorials were built to commemorate the glory victory of the bloody artillery battle.